Go ahead . . . grab a cup of coffee and I'll share some news with you!
I'm finally getting around to projects I've had on hold for years. I wrote two devotional books before we left for Ecuador in 2010 and the publisher canceled my contracts when they found out I was leaving for South America. It happens. The good news is I'm making them into ebooks, while I work on a larger project. Nothing goes to waste in the writing world, it just gets recycled. I'll let you know when the book is live on Amazon. There is some more publishing news, but I can't share it just yet. When it gets closer I'll be sure to let you in on the particulars.
We spent Christmas in Pennsylvania with our kids and grands. And it was a Mimi's dream to find out that Clara (our granddaughter of eight years) wrote her first book. When I opened to the first page and saw the words "Written and Illustrated by Clara Pombo," I felt a tear slip down my cheek. How wonderful to know that when I'm gone, we'll still have a writer in the family.
I also was thrilled to find out that my old bank in Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania is now a coffee house called The Cooper Cup. What a great idea to turn a bank into a coffee house. You can even sit in the bank vault and enjoy your favorite cup of java. I kept waiting for the vault to open up, but I think you have to get there early in the day. They have to-go coffee where the drive-up teller used to be, but now you can just order your favorite cup of Joe.
I don't make New Year's resolutions, but I do have some goals I'd like to check off my list. Being an avid sheller on the shores of Anna Maria Island has me in the laid-back mode most of the time. I'm just too busy having fun in the Sunshine State, but occasionally I'll see folks bring their laptop to the beach and do work. I don't suggest it, however, as sand and salt aren't good for your computer. It's better to hang out in one of the coffee shops like Back Alley Treasures on Anna Maria Island to do your work and then catch a sunset.
Thanks for hanging out with me today and I'll catch you at the beach or in a coffee shop picking at the keys of my laptop while sipping a mocha cappuccino.
Until next time,

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